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Case Study – Lenderking
STERAMIST™ BIT™ & COMFORT CAGE HYGIEIA CASE STUDYSituation Overview: The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health reports that good science and good animal care go hand in hand. A sick or distressed animal does not produce the reliable results that a healthy and unstressed…

Case Study – Moore Drug Contamination
OVERVIEW:In June of 2018, a missing senior citizen transportation van was found in a nearby McDonald’s parking lot. This particular van had been stolen nine days prior during a routine patient delivery to Franciscan Health Cancer Center – one of many services offered to senior citizens free…

Fighting the Flu
School Turns to SteraMist to Fight the FluOVERVIEW:Mold, bacteria, and viruses can wreak havoc throughout schools. With many challenges from both internal and external sources, it can be difficult to stop the spread of these microorganisms. With flu outbreaks, the spread of mold, and larger concerns…

Steramist In The News
Check out the latest updates about SteraMist iHP technology in the latest press releases. Keep up to date on new and upcoming products and innovations, installations, service, and our company.