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Indicators of Success 

Insights into hydrogen peroxide and biological indicators Validating successful decontamination with biological indicators can be challenging with any process, especially those using them with hydrogen peroxide. Choosing the Right Biological IndicatorBiological indicators (BIs) used in hydrogen…

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Legacy of Efficacy

In a disinfection market filled with “innovative” cleaners that have started revealing their shortcomings (from peeling paint to ineffective results), the science of SteraMist’s ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (iHP) has a multi-decade history of research and validated results. The value of SteraMist…

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The Resurgence of H5N1

Avian Influenza, H5N1, The Bird FluThe poultry and dairy industry are facing daunting challenges with the resurgence of avian influenza (H5N1), commonly known as bird flu. This highly contagious viral disease has the potential to wreak havoc on farms, leading to devastating consequences for both…

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SteraMist vs. Chlorine Dioxide: One Clear Choice

When it comes to disinfection, there are many options and chemicals on the market. Chlorine dioxide (CIO2) is a chemical compound used widely as a disinfection method. Despite representing an older disinfection technique in the face of more effective methods, chlorine dioxide continues to be utilized…

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Exploring the Significance of Indoor Air Quality

Stop to think about the air you’re breathing right now. Do you know if you are breathing “healthy air”? How is the air in your home, your office, or the commercial spaces we visit every day? According to the EPA, we spend about 90% of our time indoors1. Realizing this, it is not hard to believe that…

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The History of Hydrogen Peroxide as a DisinfectantThe discovery of hydrogen peroxide in 1818 by Louis Jacques Thénard [1] marked a pivotal moment, as its composition revealed an extra oxygen atom compared to water. Through decomposition, this additional reactive oxygen atom separates to release…

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Steramist In The News

Check out the latest updates about SteraMist iHP technology in the latest press releases. Keep up to date on new and upcoming products and innovations, installations, service, and our company.

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