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October, 31 2023

Indigo Pharmaceuticals Automates with iHP Decontamination Technology 

Indigo Pharmaceutical adds the SteraMist Hybrid to their new facility

Within the dynamic fields of healthcare and life sciences, progress relies heavily on innovation and precision. Controlling contamination and ensuring the sterility of facilities to adhere to strict regulations have emerged as significant challenges. Addressing the urgency to produce large quantities of medicines quickly, Indigo Pharmaceutical has introduced a new solution for fully automated disinfection. 

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Automation 

Indigo Pharmaceutical is expanding pharmaceutical manufacturing in the United States, benefiting American patients significantly. Indigo dedicates themselves to providing pharmaceutical manufacturing and a 503b outsourced manufacturing unit specifically focused on sterile medications. A vast quantity of medications is being manufactured for distribution to doctors and hospitals nationwide with operations that must adhere to stringent cGMP, GMP, GLP, and ISO standards. The facility has been designed to maintain a completely isolated environment, eliminating human contact throughout the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. All machinery is fully automated and integrated with the building management system. 

Introducing the SteraMist Hybrid 

In response to the need for automated disinfection and cost efficiency, Indigo Pharmaceutical’s facility has been equipped with the SteraMist Hybrid, a new iHP decontamination system. The SteraMist Hybrid harnesses integrated facility disinfection with the portability of the SteraMist Environment System. A centralized hub is installed with harting connectors to attach the Environment System generator that lead to permanent, stainless steel ceiling applicators positioned in any space. Indigo installed six permanently mounted stainless steel iHP applicators, strategically placed in four separate ISO compounding rooms. Two centralized hubs with three connections on each, totaling six connections are situated outside of the facility’s operations of pharmaceutical manufacturing. The portable SteraMist Environment System can be easily maneuvered and connected to these hubs, initiating three simultaneous full room decontamination cycles. Indigo Pharmaceuticals has implemented an automated disinfection nightly routine, ensuring the SteraMist Hybrid runs regularly to comprehensively decontaminate the facility and meet stringent standards. 

SteraMist remains at the forefront of innovation, constantly developing advanced iHP systems to meet clients’ requirements with automated disinfection. Through the introduction of a diverse product line designed to meet various needs, SteraMist has streamlined its products, ensuring the prompt fulfillment of client demands. Check out the new SteraMist Hybrid on our Custom Engineered System page, here

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