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February, 18 2020

Case Study – Singapore

After it emerged that a 54-year-old professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) had become one of eight new cases of coronavirus (CoViD-19) in Singapore, the Ministry of Health proceeded to take action to attempt to stem the spread of the virus around the
campus. To achieve this, the University president called a team to “thoroughly disinfect” the facility, utilizing SteraMist® and paying particular attention to the areas the professor visited before he had realized that he was contagious with the virus.

Once the symptoms of the virus were confirmed, the team utilized SteraMist® where the professor had often frequented in his workplace, the NUS School of Design and Environment. High traffic areas such as hand railings, lifts, and lift lobbies were treated. Frequency of routine facility cleaning was increased from two times a day to four.

The immediate application of SteraMist® in tandem with preventative measures enactedsince the outbreak of coronavirus placed the facility well ahead of requirements required by the Ministry of Health. Quick response allowed for thorough disinfection, enactment of e-learning classroom alternatives, and continued preventative measures to protect both students and staff at risk of contracting the virus.